Contact Forms

How to create a Contact form in WordPress

Contact Forms are a vital part of a website, visitors want to contact you directly and effortlessly through a form on the contact page of your website.

Here you learn how to add contact form in WordPress in 6 simple steps Creating a contact form is not so difficult in WordPress. At the end of this article, you will be able to make an eye-catching contact form and implement it on your website without a single line of code.

In the video, didn’t find what you were looking for?  I’ll tell you a different process for creating a contact form in the article. Continue reading the article.

Table of Contents

Why you should add a contact form in your website

There are mainly 3 reasons why you should add a contact form to a website.

  1. Simplified way for visitors to contact 
  2. Protection from unwanted emails
  3. Improves the authenticity of a website

Simplified way for visitors to contact

Having a contact form on your website makes visitors effortlessly contact you. You may think why should I add a contact form, instead of just adding an email address to the website, then how to send an email is on the visitor’s part. However, it is the website owner’s responsibility to make a simplified and efficient way for visitors to contact. In a contact form, you need to just enter your details and send the message. It saves a lot of time.

Protection from unwanted emails

There are several marketing companies out there that will send unwanted emails and fill your inbox memory. It’s better to create a contact form on your website and use CAPTCHA to stop spam emails.

Improves the authenticity of a website

A contact form on a business or personal website increases its authenticity. Without a contact form on the contact page, your website looks incomplete.

Steps how to add contact form in wordpress in 6 simple steps

Step1: Installing of a contact form plugin

There are a lot of free and paid contact form plugins, but I use the Forminator plugin and recommend it. This is the best plugin I have used so far because of its flexibility and customization options.

Reasons, why I recommend you to use this plugin

  1.  Ease of use: You can use the plugin with ease, you don’t have to write any code to create and manage the form.
  2. Free: The “Forminator” plugin is 100% free to use for a lifetime.
  3. Pro-level features: In the plugin, you have some features that are only available in some premium contact form plugins.

Install and Activate "Forminator" plugin

Great! You have selected the best plugin for your contact forms. Now it’s time to install and activate the plugin.

First, you have to log in to your WordPress admin panel, then go to Plugins -> Add New Plugin, and then in the search box type Forminator. The first plugin that appears on the screen is Forminator(by “WPMU DEV”), Click on the Install Now button. After installing the plugin successfully Activate it.

how to add contact form in wordpress in 6 simple steps

Step2: Creating a form

Now, it’s time to create a contact form with the following fields:

After activating the plugin you can see a new tab in the left sidebar, “Forminator. Create a new form by clicking the Forminator Dashboard -> CREATE button.

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Now a popup will open, choose the Blank template because I want you to create a form from scratch, without selecting any premade template for better understanding, then click on CONTINUE and give it a unique name to your first contact form, then click on CREATE button.

Now, you will see a form builder screen, click on the INSERT FIELDS button.

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Now, again a popup will open from there select your desired fields (name, phone, email, textarea, etc.)

Note: In this free plugin you can access some fields that are only accessible in premium versions of other contact form plugins, this is one of the reasons why I suggest you use this plugin for the creation of your contact forms on websites.

After selecting the desired fields, click on the INSERT FIELDS button. 

You should see the fields on the next screen. Now, Click on the PUBLISH button. 

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It will publish your form and will generate a code, on the next screen it shows a shortcode of your form. Copy that shortcode.

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Step3: Edit the fields

The “Forminator” plugin gives you great flexibility to customize the fields, button text, and almost everything.

Customizing a specific field is very easy, just click on the gear icon -> Edit Field as shown in the image below. From there you can edit field Labels, Styling, Visibility, and Other Settings.

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Then click on the Apply button after changes.

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Finally, click on the Update button in the “Edit Form” dashboard to get the effect of all the changes to your contact form.

Step4: Add the form in your page

Open your contact page and click on Edit With Elementor. Now, from the left sidebar select Shortcode element and drag and drop the element at your desired location of the page.

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Then paste that shortcode you have copied.

Now, you should see the newly created contact form with all the fields.

Step5: Customizing your form

You have not done yet, it’s time to customize your form and the fields.

Now, to customize more in the form, again goto Forminator Dashboard,  then click on the gear icon -> Edit at the right hand side of the newly created form as shown in the image below.

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Changing the Appearance of the Form:

Now, for changing the look of the form goto the Appearance section as in the image below, to customize style, layout, colors, fonts etc.

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Similarly, you can change the “Behavior”, “Email Notifications”, “Integration” and other “Settings”.

Step6: Configuring Email Notifications

Ok, so as far, we create a contact form for visitors, thus they could contact us through the form. But if we do not properly configure Email notifications of the form, visitors entry will not appear in our mail box.

“Forminator” plugin give a separate section to configure email notifications of the form. Goto the “Email Notifications” section, there you can see a email already been added, just click on the Gear icon -> Edit as shown in the image below.

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Now, goto “Recipients” tab and here enter the email address on which you want to received details of contact form submission.

That is easily how to add contact form in WordPress in 6 simple steps on our website. You can check your live website and see a working contact form is there.

NOTE: Next, you now have to configure your hostings SMTP service to send emails. Read the article to know how to configure SMTP. Read my articles to find your specific query.

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